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Case Study -H-E-B San Felipe, Houston, Texas

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Supermarket display case study. We’ve travelled a fair way to showcase this new supermarket in the US, but its opening earlier this year has gathered so much press interest that we think it’s worth highlighting for a little inspiration.

Supermarket Display Case Study: H-E-B

H-E-B’s 8400sq m Supermarket display features wide aisles, dedicated preparation areas and gourmet booths but the company has also aimed to create the store to be a destination for shoppers by adding a live music stage, a kids play area and in-store restaurant Table 57 with indoor and outdoor dining areas, the ability to host cooking classes and wine tastings and serve the sort of serious foodie menu which has already brought positive headlines.

There’s even a 75-metre “living” wall covered in 22,000 native plants to give the customers a more organic feel to their shopping experience.

“Who would have ever thought that people could get excited about something like a grocery store other than the people who put the grocery stores together?” H-E-B Houston division president Scott McClelland told reporters at February’s opening, adding that the new store intended to become a “gathering place reminiscent of the community it serves”.

“Our competition continues to get better,” he added. “And if you don’t change, you die. I keep looking at different things that we can do that will make our stores more attractive to more customers. If we expect people to shop with us, we have to be better in everything. We have to be better in price and we have to be better in service.”

Some of those things which H-E-B hope will continue to make their stores more attractive include:

If you want a look around the new design store have a look at their video here and if you’re inspired to try anything different with how you’re displaying your produce, you can contact us at Mills Display and we’ll put our experts on to finding the perfect solutions for your business.

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