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8 Innovative Retail Merchandise Display Ideas For You

Mills Display Retail Trends and Tips

Innovative retail merchandise display ideas for your retail business. We’re sure you have noticed the sudden boom in popularity of new innovations in food display and preparation. The Retail Industry was once conservative and relied on consistency to sell its message of clean, safe, tasty and filling food. The reality now is that food producers and retailers are now coming up with fresh, exciting and unconventional ways to attract customers or diners. Who are now hungrier to discover more about where their food comes from and how it can be used. Do you manage a company cafeteria, have a retail produce store or own your own chain of restaurants?

Mills Display is at the forefront of creating customised food display products.

As well as having an international network of suppliers who can help create novel ways to help create and display everything from produce and individual ingredients to finished dishes. If you can dream it, we will help bring it to life. For more inspiration about how Mills Display can help you prepare and present innovative food displays, download a catalogue, email us or talk to one of our salespeople on Live Chat.

In the meantime, here are nine inventive ways in which businesses around the world are changing the way we prepare, present, display and serve up food.

1. Storefront Preparation Retail Merchandise Display Ideas

Gone are the days when you could just place row upon row of items on your shelves and expect customers to come in. So customers could choose solely on price or habit. Having in-store demonstrations is a start when it comes to introducing new products or ways to prepare familiar foodstuffs. Nothing beats bringing your deli staff out front or promoting your foodie staff as authorities or experts. Customers can get advice from your staff, learn about new products or techniques, and see how fresh your produce is while also having demonstrations of how to handle the food.

2. Smaller / Shallower Plates, Trays and Bowls for Retail Merchandise Displays.

Whether on salad bars or meat, fish and deli counters, customers prefer to think their food is being prepared for them personally – this means having to produce and prepare smaller displays and then restock them more frequently. In New Zealand, especially, this is effective because we don’t like the idea of over-production and waste and it also means customers end up with fresher produce.

3. Menu Themed Displays and Customised Recipes

Your customers are likely more time-poor now than they have ever been, and you can help take the element of choice out of their food shopping by creating displays which are tied in with specific menus. The success of online menu-orientated food delivery services shows how people are willing to try new ideas if they are shown how to use unfamiliar products and techniques – so why not combine your menu-themed displays with customised recipes?

4. Choice Architecture For Retail Merchandise Display Ideas

This new buzz-phrase has come out of America and refers to ways in which you can design your store or restaurant displays so that you promote healthier options. There’s no need to stop retailing the less healthy foods, it’s just that consumers are more and more responding to businesses which help them choose healthier lifestyles without having strong messages rammed down their throats.

Mills Display provided this food display custom made for one of our customers. Contact our sales team to find out more about our custom made retail food display solutions.


5. Use Stories to sell Retail Merchandise Display Ideas

This is now becoming the norm in all forms of retail and marketing. Your beef isn’t just from a cow – it’s from a cow that lived on a particular farm in a particular part of New Zealand, grazed on a specific type of feed and was transported to your shop by a specific deliveryman. Once you have the story-telling technique down to a fine art, you’ll find that your store displays start to reflect that more organic, deliberate and informed feel.

6. Treat vegetables like meat for Retail Merchandise Display Ideas

Not only are we told that we should have a couple of meals each week in which we don’t eat meat because it’s healthier for us, but more and more research is showing that intensive meat production is increasingly harmful for the environment. This has led to many food retailers and providers to promote vegetables in the way they used to promote meat – from having rotisseries packed with roasting veggies, to promoting menus and recipes in which veggies are the central ingredient.

7. Create a buzz via social media for your Retail Merchandise

Your store doesn’t have to be just a place where people shop – judicious use of social media can turn it into a community hub where people meet to swap ideas and where you, as a business owner, are an authority on the items and produce you stock. This is ideal when you want to introduce new lines because it means you can prepare your customers and build up anticipation around the new item’s arrival.

8. Personalised service

In its most extreme form, personalised food retail has created businesses which blend individualised, customised ground coffee, or which pair food-box subscriptions with music compilations supposedly chosen to accompany the cooking process! You don’t have to go that far – but being able understand your customers’ individual dietary needs and preferences as well as being able to help them find new and innovative ways to dine has become an integral part of food retail.

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