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Ideas to Make Your Retail Displays Insta-Worthy

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Creating an Instagrammable retail space improves foot traffic and inspires user-generated content which translates to excellent, unpaid promotions for your store. 

One of the key benefits of creating an insta-worthy space is the production of user-generated content or UGC. This form of content is when your customers take photographs or create videos of your store or products and use it to endorse your brand. This authentic content can be equated to a form of word-of-mouth advertising which is invaluable in terms of sales promotions and web conversions.

It’s a trusted form of marketing, entirely free to you, and can be very profitable. So how can you create a display that people will want to post all over their Instagram or TikTok?

Design an Experience

Shopping is no longer just about running to the store to pick up a few bits and bobs. Consumers put a lot of stock in the experience of shopping, even if it’s just going to the supermarket for groceries. For a starting point, understand your customer base and the type of experience that they are interested in. The effort to design an experience involves everything from the layout of the store, the designs of your shelves and display, to the services you offer customers. It could be anything from making the space child-friendly with a play area, having beautifully presented fresh produce, to having a gift-wrapping station.

Focus on the Details but Keep Out the Clutter

In terms of designing your retail space, it’s more effective to create several Instagrammable corners rather than pouring all your effort into a single display. Especially if you have a small space to work with, it’s best to focus on the details rather than on a large, overwhelming display. With a statement display, there’s always the danger that it may miss the mark with many of your customers.

On the other hand, when you have several smaller possibilities, it’s more likely that people will find at least one or two of them worthy of photographing. Keep in mind that you don’t want a cluttered, crowded space as this can also be too much to process.

Keep up With Instagram Trends

Being successful on social media largely depends on participation. Maximise your social media presence by taking part in social media trends, whether it’s hashtags, colours, memes, audios, or something else (including silly dances). To encourage user-generated content, provide opportunities for customers to participate in these trends as well. For instance, setting up a display for the ideal photo-op can be done quite easily with the right props.

Don’t try too hard though; get in on the trend at the start and go all-out. You don’t want the response to be a cringe. If you have staff who are on social media a lot, it’s well worth asking them for ideas.

If ever in doubt, humour works. A hangsell with earplugs on it set next to a noisy child’s toy, for example.

Create a Personal Connection and Cater to the Senses

People tend to remember places and experiences where they’ve created memories or a connection with. Marketing psychology tells us that one of the most effective ways to do this is to appeal to the senses. This is where retail spaces have the upper hand over digital platforms.

Physical stores can give customers a strong sense of the product, prompt engagement, and foster a sense of trust in the brand. Aim to make an impact in terms of senses including visual appeal and scent.

Think about Countdown’s free fruit for kids. How many times has that been Instagrammed? And it’s straight to the target market; mums taking photos of their kids eating fruit, seen by other mums wanting healthy options for their kids… with a bonus of kids that are quiet and occupied in-store (at least for a few minutes). All that Countdown needed was a basket, a sign, and a some free fruit.

Encourage an Interactive Experience

Rather than allowing a passive shopping experience, create spaces that encourage interaction and engagement. This could be with a well-designed display or a backdrop where consumers can take selfies for their social media platforms. A good backdrop has the potential to become an iconic part of your brand.

Strategically placed mirrors are an excellent way to encourage consumers to take photographs of them modelling your products. Temporary photo booths, workshops and influencer events also work, depending on the type of products you stock.

Build a Space that Persuades Consumers to Relax and Lounge

A consumer is more likely to spend more in your store if they spend more time in it. So, give your shoppers a reason to stay. By this we mean giving them a reason to loiter rather than just browsing through your products. Create a seating area or a lounge if it fits with your brand. Offer free samples or photo opportunities. Another way is to provide something quite useful like a charging station.

Even if you’re a big supermarket that doesn’t have space for ‘lounging’, you can ensure that there’s space for people to stand and take photos of your marketing while not getting in the way of other customers.

Don’t Forget to Work Within Your Branding

Your in-store design and displays also contribute to your branding. Since the aim is to set yourself apart from your competitors, this gives you the ideal opportunity to push your unique selling point or your USP. Give your brand an edge by offering your customers a memorable shopping experience. Push your brand by using your colours and aesthetics.

Use Lighting to Your Advantage

Trade in the white lights for warmer hues that not only showcase your products but also prompt customers to take photographs. Good lighting is a crucial element for a good selfie and once your shoppers know that they can take a good photo in your store, they’ll be encouraged to do it more.

Can We Help You Make an Insta-Worthy Display?

Retail displays are more than just window dressing in a store. They are significant to the overall consumer experience and can influence foot traffic and sales. Employing an experienced B2B agency to understand the needs of your brand and your customer base goes a long way in creating a retail space that achieves your end goals.  An agency that has the knowledge and capacity to create customized displays and also understands the nuances of industry-specific marketing is key to levelling up your retail experience.

And, if you need display solutions, give us a call or flick us an email. We have a huge range of poster hangers, beautiful baskets, and almost anything else you can imagine that can help your marketing go viral.

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