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Pusher 50x435mm 6N

pusher new 2

The 50x435mm 6N pusher, featuring a clear track and grey pusher, delivers a medium strength of 6N (6 newtons), making it ideal for most general merchandise. These pushers easily clip into our T channels SXCS914 and SXCS1200, ensuring easy installation and adjustment.

Designed to maintain an appealing product display, these pushers gently move items to the front of the shelf, keeping merchandise consistently neat and organised. As customers remove products, the remaining items advance automatically, creating the illusion of a fully stocked shelf even when inventory is low and enhancing the shopping experience.

These pushers offer a significant time-saving solution for retailers by reducing the time staff spend on in-store merchandising. This efficiency allows employees to focus on other critical tasks, ensuring a consistently attractive shopping environment for customers. In the competitive retail industry, where presentation and efficiency are paramount, shelf pushers are a very valuable asset.

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