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Double Loop Hook 150mm with Plate


Use these innovative double loop hooks to display all your impulse purchase products and hang sell items. They are a time efficient option as they are able to be preloaded with merchandise before attaching to the pegboard and can easily be moved around while still holding product – no more awkward angles while topping them up with products. There is also a metal ticket plate attached so applying pricing information does not require an additional ticketing option – a fast and efficient way to price your products. These hooks are also available in 250mm (PGHDP250) and 200mm (PGHDP200).

A fastback is required for this hook, there are three options available: Volcano dimple pegboard fastback (PGFCP1GY) | Flat metal pegboard fastback (PGFCP3GY) | Wooden pegboard fastback (PGFCP2WE)

For more information give us a call today.



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